Changing a business model
Training "Road to a billion" by Evgeny Emelianov and Svetlana Emelianova
Radio programm "Business Class" with Oleg Dmitriev on CAPITAL FM
Motivating Top Managers
Yulia Kapitanchuk, step Consulting Senior Partner and expert of the Territory PRO, talks about SEO and TOP management motivation and about latest trends in private business.
Press conference "Sunset of a business model. Is this the end of business?"
On April, 3 2016 Evgeny Emelianov and Svetlana Emelianova held a press conference "Sunset of a business model. Is this the end of business?". The meeting took place in the STEP Consulting office. It was attended by representatives of regional and federal mass media, industry portals and periodicals. Participants from other cities could join the press conference via Skype. The main theme of the conference was transformation of the existing business model: shifting the focus from "commodity-centric" business to a "customer-centric" business model, resulting the change of management technology and means of motivating people.
Success TV. " Advertising under the rules and with no rules at all".
Success TV. "Just like one-two-three" program.
Business-mechanics. New type of lessee. Bringing up a puppy.
Lubov Gorbunova, STEP Consulting Partner, spoke on Mediametrics Radio. In the program "Business Mechanics" Lubov told about the complicated, but very exciting life of the Russian retailer: about the way the retailer and customer changes,who is buying in the malls and how to survive in street retail.