The 7th All-Russian Forum on Corporate Management “Digital Economy: to survive or to succeed?”
On November 28, 2017 Evgeny Emelianov, the President of Step Consulting, participated in the 7th All-Russian Forum on Corporate Management “Digital Economy: to survive or to succeed?”.
Sharing his impressions Evgeny summarizes that three issues became the major trends in the work of the Board of Directors: firstly, those are IT operations and business digitalization. Everything here is simple and complicated at the same time. Secondly, that is the work with the risks. In the rapidly changing world decisions must be made without complete information. And, thirdly, in connection with the previous point, the issue of trust to the partners, the employees, the contractors etc. comes to the fore, because the decisions are worked out on the basis of fragmentary information and business intuition. That concerns digitalization of the organization as well.
More than 600 people took part in the Forum including the executives and the top managers of the biggest businesses of Russia. The event was completed by the official ceremony of awarding the winners of the national prize “Director of the year”.
1 December 2017