We are happy to announce the 111th issue of "Business Life" newsletter

As well as the previous issue, you can read it in Russian on two resources - on the STEP Consulting website and on the newsletter website

Read in the 111-th issue:

  1. The article in the "Global Vision" section is about the difficulties of change management in companies: "Employees can even oppose their own interests if the matter interferes with their ideas of fairness.
  2. The report from the 19th meeting of Business Rakes Club tells you "How to ease online sales, relax with heart and wrap up the business in video packaging". What businesses will you find more perspective: technological ones like online goods management and video content creation, or family owned hospitality business?
  3. The following two articles are devoted to the European business. One of the texts was written by German consultants and covers the situation of small and medium-sized businesses in Germany. The second piece is also focused on the development of German business, but in Russia. We are trying to answer the question - where do German people have better living?
  4. The article «The 2018 Retail Results" is about food retail chains and their last year performance: "Due to numerous events that occurred in 2018, the results of 2019 will be really interesting". The text is full of figures and analysis, humanitarians should better skip it.
  5. The “History of Russian business” column is our favorite. The article in this issue is dedicated to the first Russian oil businessman, Vasily Kokorev, to his vision of social responsibility and management model.
  6. Last but not least article of this volume "NPS and a mystery shopper" is looking for an answer to the question "How to keep clients". Spoiler - it's not easy, but it's possible.

If you have something to tell about your company or your managing tools in “Business Life” newsletter, please contact Inna Vlasova (ink@stepconsulting.ru)

Please notice that “Business Life” doesn’t publish promotional articles. We can tell about your product in our advertising part or on our internet resources.

If you have any questions about subscription or delivery of “Business Life” newsletter please call Inna Vlasova 8-926-468-32-01 or e-mail ink@stepconsulting.ru

12 July 2019
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